EU Artificial Intelligence Act

AI Authorised Representative.

Providers outside the European Union are required to maintain a representative for AI systems provided within the EU.

Appointment of a representative


Represent the provider in the EU, carry out on its behalf the obligations and procedures required under the EU AI Act, and cooperate and provide national competent authorities with all the information and documentation necessary to demonstrate conformity.

Management system

Risk Management System

Establish, implement, document and regularly maintain a risk managemement system, data and data governance, technical documentation, record-keeping, tranparency and user information, human oversight, accuracy, robustness and cybersecurity.


Advisory Services

Advise on and assess compliance of high-risk AI systems placed on the market or put into service in the Union by providers, and ensure the documentation, information, records, and evidence are available to demonstrate conformity with the EU AI Act.

Cover 2

Representative Services

Reliably conform with regulatory obligations

Conformity assurance

Conformity assurance

Ensured conformity through established AI governance practices and AI management system specifications for implementation, operation, and continuous improvement.

Continuous iterative process

Continuous iterative process

A continuous iterative process is run throughout the entire lifecycle of high-risk AI systems, with regular systematic updates to management systems.

Conformity assessments

Assessments of compliance

Assessments of compliance with regulatory obligations guide providers to prepare and make available or put into service their AI systems.

Established relationships

Established relationships

Leverage our experience and current working relationships with supervisory authorities on conformity with regulatory obligations.


AI authorised representative and online AI Risk Management System!




Data Protection

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